Honduras’ præsident vækker vrede på dansk, bæredygtig modemesse

Thomas Jazrawi

Den honduranske præsident, Juan Orlando Hernández, talte på Copenhagen Fashion Summit i forrige uge.

Men det har skabt en del vrede på Facebook-siden for den bæredygtige modemesse. 

Et opslag, der viser et foto af præsidenten og oplyser, at han vil tale på messen, har fået over 1900 delinger og kommentarer.

Vrede kommentarer på spansk og engelsk

De fleste kommentarer er på spansk og engelsk, og de er meget vrede. 

“This is unbelievable, do you know that Juan Orlando Hernández is the worst president in Honduran history, the amount of poverty in the country is the highest one ever, I was a follower of his political party but after the fraud in the social security of Honduras I stopped following them, you should be embarrassed of having people like that in your event, one of the most corrupt persons in Honduran society”, skriver en Facebook-bruger. 

“One of my biggest concerns is that the main focus of the summit is supposedly sustainability, and you have invited the president of a country that recycles 0% of its garbage, where the talks of clean energy are unknown, where human rights fighter and ambientalist #BerthaCaceres was murdered for trying to defend Honduras rivers”, skriver en anden. 

“Denmark prides itself on its transparency and lack of corruption, yet you receive a dictator who stole money from social wealfare to pay for his campaign and that flew on a very expensive private jet to speak 17 mins in your summit. How green is that?”, fortsætter kommentaren. 

Mordet på Berta Caceres

Facebook-brugeren henviser til Berta Caceres, der blev myrdet i marts. Hun var leder af en gruppe af lokale, der protesterede mod et dæmningsprojekt. 

Honduras er tidligere blevet bedømt til at være det “farligste land for miljøaktivister”, fordi så mange naturforkæmpere bliver myrdet i landet.  

Læs mere om det her:  https://globalnyt.dk/content/honduras-uro-efter-nyt-drab-i-det-farligste-land-miljoeaktivister 

Tekstilindustri kan bidrage til at reducere fattigdom

Copenhagen Fashion Summit skriver selv tirsdag en lille notits på hjemmesiden om besøget: 

The Honduran president Juan Orlando Hernández got speaking time at yesterday’s Copenhagen Fashion Summit, the world’s largest event on sustainability in fashion, since he wished to tell about Honduras’ plans for a sustainable development of the textile industry in his country.

Honduras is one of the poorest countries in Latin America. They also have a significant textile industry and if it is further strengthened and becomes more socially and environmentally responsible, the textile industry can contribute to reducing poverty and creating better working conditions.

Læs erklæringen her: http://www.copenhagenfashionsummit.com/news/?newsid=4362 

Find Copenhagen Fashion Summits Facebook-side her: https://www.facebook.com/copenhagenfashionsummit