Ny i spidsen for Lego fonden, der bl.a. hjælper i u-lande

John Goodwin

Foto: Lego Foundation
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Den nye direktør har de seneste fire år været finansdirektør i Lego. Han havde egentlig tænkt sig at stoppe i juni for at fokusere på NGO-arbejde, men får nu mulighed for at kombinere sine interesser i Lego Fonden. 

"Jeg er ydmyg og spændt på at påtage mig rollen som admin. direktør i Fonden. Jeg har en dyb passion for Lego-brandet, Kirk Kristiansen-familiens mission og for at skabe en vedvarende forskel i folks liv gennem social påvirkning," siger John Goodwin.

Se om hvordan Lego Fonden i 2015 indgik i et projekt med FNs Børnefond (UNICEF) om at hjælpe børn i Sydafrika på


52-årige Goodwin har en uddannelse inden for mathematical engineering. Han er statsautoriseret revisor og begyndte sin karriere hos det globale revisionsfirma Ernst & Young.

Han har også haft bestyrelsesposter i velgørende organisationer, herunder som founding trustee i Retrak – en institution til støtte for gadebørn i Afrika.

Fra Legos pressemeddelelse:

Thomas Kirk Kristiansen, bestyrelsesformand, siger: 

“The LEGO Foundation is growing. During the past five years, the total activities in the foundation have more than quadrupled in size".

"Our ambition and desire to engage with many more children, parents, teachers and politicians globally in learning through play have grown equally, and the work done by the LEGO Foundation is extremely important to me personally, to my family and to the shared mission we have across our family-entities the LEGO Group, the LEGO Foundation, LEGO Education and KIRKBI."  

John Goodwin replicerer:

"The purpose of the LEGO Foundation, to change attitudes and behaviours around the importance of play in children’s development and learning, is something I am deeply passionate about and I can’t wait to continue this work together with the organisation and partners”.

Om LEGO Fonden

The LEGO Foundation is dedicated to building a future in which learning through play empowers children to become creative, engaged, lifelong learners. Its work is about re-defining play and re-imagining learning.

In collaboration with thought leaders, influencers, educators and parents the LEGO Foundation aims to equip, inspire and activate champions for play. www.LEGOfoundation.com