Ex-militant vinder valget i Uruguay

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BBC online skriver: Ifølge meningsmålingerne vinder Jose Mujica, der sad fængslet i næsten 15 år under militærstyret, præsidentvalget i Uruguay.

According to reliable exit polls, a former left-wing rebel receives over 50% of the votes and appears to have won the presidential elections.

Mujica spent almost 15 years in prison during Uruguay’s military rule, often being held in harsh conditions. He even spent two years locked up in the bottom of a well.

Mr Mujica recognises that those years of imprisonment have completed his transformation from left wing militant to statesman. He is now driven to build political consensus, rather than aiming at armed struggle.
The prior president, Tabare Vazquez, has for the last five years been the first left-wing president in Uruguay. Mr Mujica’s election can be seen as a demonstration of the desire for continue with a left-wing government.

His main rival and former conservative President, Luis Alberto Lacalle’s administration was involved in corruption, and has conceded to the apparent election of Mr Mujica.