André Sonnichesen, Institut for statskundskab, Københavns Universitet har skrevet en anmeldelse af Afrikakommissionens rapport. Han skriver blandt andet:
There is a clearly a role for market forces and the private sector in African development. However, this role has been recognised for some time in international development aid thinking, and where utilised, it has been clear that the effective contribution of the private sector to poverty reduction relies upon the prior existence of an enabling environment (parts of which are described above) which have little to do with the market and everything to do with an effective public sector.
Whether or not the DKK200 million which the Danish Government has allocated on this year’s budget for immediate follow-up on the Commission’s work, and the impressive political clout assembled in the Africa Commission as a whole, will give Ulla Tørnæs the resources necessary to convince other donors of the utility of the approach, the coming months will tell. African SMEs are bound to appreciate the effort, which however cannot stand alone.
Hent hele André Sonnichsens anmeldelse af Afrikakommissionens rapport fra Nordiska Afrikainstituttets hjemmeside: