Rapport: FN-programmer skal strømlines

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A high-level panel calls for streamlining UN programs to fight poverty, provide humanitarian aid and protect the environment.

Competition among agencies often duplicates efforts and fails to deliver results, a final draft of its report says, according to World Bank Press Review.

The draft says that while the UN is an indispensable force, it has outgrown its post-World War II structure and is not as effective as it could be.

Too often, authority and management responsibility is dispersed among individuals and across organizations, thus limiting accountability for performance and results.

Better cooperation between organizations has been hindered by competition for funding, by mission creep and by outdated business practices.

Secretary-General Kofi Annan established the 13-member panel in response to a call by world leaders at their September 2005 summit for coordinated UN operations to meet development goals.

It will be up to Annan’s successor, Ban Ki-Moon, who takes over as Secretary-General on January 1, to decide whether to implement the panel’s recommendations.

The panel is expected to present the report Thursday.

Kilde: www.worldbank.org