Sri Lanka: Uddannelse halter bagefter

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BATTICALOA, 3. november, 2011 (IRIN): Konflikten i Sri Lanka er slut, men uddannelsessystemet, specielt i den katastroferamte østlige del, siger familier og eksperter.

Home to about 1.5 million people, Eastern Province is one of the hardest-hit areas in Sri Lanka by both natural and manmade disasters. Education advocates say schools lack teachers, funds, infrastructure – and attention.

“Education for us is like another war,” said Nirmala Rani, 15, from Batticaloa District.

School facilities are scarce, while some classes do not even have teachers, the student said. “We really cannot call it an education,” Rani said.

Raja Sreedharan, father of two secondary-school students from Ampara District, said:
“There is no place for them to study. There are no proper
teachers or books.”

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