Kristent folkeslag i Burma håber på fred efter 60 års konflikt

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Det politiske nybrud efter fem årtiers militærstyre kan åbne for nye muligheder

CHIANG MAI, 9 January 2012 (IRIN): Karen leaders are cautiously optimistic about the possibility of peace after more than 60 years of fighting Burmese security forces as they prepare for meetings with the government on 10 January.

The Karen, a largely Christian community in eastern and southern Burma, have effectively been at war with Burmas central government since the poor Asian country gained independence from the UK.

A Karen “peace committee” – formed in November – has arranged a two-day meeting in the state’s Pa Ang District for what is hoped will lead to a permanent end to the armed conflict that began in 1949 and has left the civilian population devastated by decades of instability.

– The talks are the very first step in negotiations for a ceasefire, Karen National Union (KNU) vice-president Saw David Thakabaw told IRIN.

“We have to begin with a ceasefire and then proceed to negotiations, with political dialogue taking place later.”

Federal system

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