Verdensbanken: Kenya på vippen til de rigere u-landes klub

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Forfatter billede

Kenya kan opnå status som mellemindkomstland i 2020 til trods for økonomisk ustabilitet, konkluderer Verdensbanken optimistisk i sin seneste status for den østafrikanske nation (Country Results Profile).

Kenya might well be on its way to reaching a “tipping point” and entering a period of sustained economic growth.

Kenya can achieve lower middle-income status (per capita income of 1.000 US dollar = ca. 6.000 DKR)) by 2020, if it grows at about 6 percent per annum in the interim period.

Kenya is a country with a complex reality: a low-income country struggling to overcome a divisive (kontroversiel) legacy and aspiring to achieve middle-income status by 2030.

Although Kenya since independence has enjoyed only two periods where gross domestic product (GDP) growth exceeded 5 percent for three consecutive years, reforms since 2000 have improved its economic fundamentals.

Her eksempler på, hvad Verdensbanken har gjort:

* In 2004-2011, the International Development Association (IDA = som hjælper de fattigste u-lande) contributed to the reduction in travel time between Mombasa and Timboroa (750 km) from 14,5 hours to only 9 hours.

* Between 2009 and 2011, IDA contributed to an increase in the number of electricity connections by 350.000 households (at 5 people per household) and constructed 1.200 km of transmission and distribution lines.

* Between 2007 and 2011, access to improved water sources of people living in IDA-financed project areas improved from 27 percent to 50 percent and access to improved sewerage services from 10 to 20 percent.

* During fiscal year 2010-11, over 25,3 million individuals, half of whom were women, directly benefited from activities under the IDA-financed Health Sector Support Program. About one million children were fully immunized in their first year.


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Kilde: Verdensbankens website