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Seminar: Somalia: Hvor er landet på vej hen?

TIME: Monday, 14 May, 15.15 – 17.00

VENUE: Centre of African Studies, Auditorium 12, Købmagergade 46, 4th floor, 1150 Copenhagen K

Somalia’s transitional government has now been extended twice, and the aim of the recent Road Map to ending the transition is to reach a new constitution and conduct Presidential and Parliamentary elections by August 2012.

TIME: Monday, 14 May, 15.15 – 17.00

VENUE: Centre of African Studies, Auditorium 12, Købmagergade 46, 4th floor, 1150 Copenhagen K

Somalia’s transitional government has now been extended twice, and the aim of the recent Road Map to ending the transition is to reach a new constitution and conduct Presidential and Parliamentary elections by August 2012.

However, as before the process towards peace and the Road Map has faced delays and is far from universally embraced by wide Somali participation.

The British Government held a major conference on Somalia in February 2012 to support the process, and another conference is coming up in Istanbul Turkey will be held on May 31.

This seminar will take stock of the transitional process and the Road Map, identify the difficult issues and problems with the entire approach and discuss its prospects for success and what the outlook is if it doesn’t.

Joakim Gundel is a political analyst based in Nairobi, Kenya, who has worked on Somalia since 1998. He is mainly working through his consultancy firm KATUNI Consult.

He lately visited Mogadishu in February 2012, and has travelled throughout Somalia. He is co-editor of the book ‘Somalia: Diaspora and State Reconstitution in the Horn of Africa’, and also published an in depth report on the Somali traditional structures titled ‘The Predicament of the Oday: The Role of Traditional Structures in Security, Rights, Law and Development in Somalia’.

The seminar is organised as a cooperation between the Centre of African Studies and the Royal Danish Defence College’s Africa and Future Conflicts Program.