

Arrangør: N/A

Workshop: Dansk Røde Kors’ behov for sanitet i nødhjælpsarbejdet

TIME: Wednesday 16 May, 10.00 – 12.30

VENUE: Repræsentationslokale 1, Boulevarden 13, 9000 Aalborg

This is the first workshop in a series activities where access2innovation will present specific challenges encountered within relief and development aid together with Danish Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross / Red Crescent Societies.

TIME: Wednesday 16 May, 10.00 – 12.30

VENUE: Repræsentationslokale 1, Boulevarden 13, 9000 Aalborg

This is the first workshop in a series activities where access2innovation will present specific challenges encountered within relief and development aid together with Danish Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross / Red Crescent Societies.

Access2innovation is inviting interested companies to participate in the workshop that will be focusing on sanitation in emergency response.


• Welcome – an introduction to access2innovation, Jacob Ravn, Head of Secretariat
• Water and sanitation in developing countries, Peter Kjær, University of Copenhagen
• Challenges in sanitation in humanitarian response – Emergency Response Unites, by Benjamin Andersen, Danish Red Cross
• Work shop and discussion
• Next steps

The discussion will be based on the developed concept note provide from Danish Red Cross.

The concept not can be downloaded at the access2innovation website.

The workshop is free of charge. If you would like to know more or are interested in participating, please contact: project coordinator Lasse Frimand Jensen phone: +45 9931 1530 mail: [email protected]