

Arrangør: N/A

Prisoverrækkelse: Drop by Drop— The Future We want

TIME: Tuesday, 5 June, 13 – 17

VENUE: Nordatlantens Brygge, Strandgade 91, Christianshavn, Copenhagen

The Awards Ceremony of the European wide advertising campaign on water preservation “Drop by Drop” – The Future We Want” will take place in Copenhagen on World Environment Day. “Drop by Drop” – The Future We Want” is part of the lead up to the Rio+20 conference.

TIME: Tuesday, 5 June, 13 – 17

VENUE: Nordatlantens Brygge, Strandgade 91, Christianshavn, Copenhagen

The Awards Ceremony of the European wide advertising campaign on water preservation “Drop by Drop” – The Future We Want” will take place in Copenhagen on World Environment Day. “Drop by Drop” – The Future We Want” is part of the lead up to the Rio+20 conference.

Christian Friis Bach, Danish Minister for Development Cooperation will give the opening speech in a panel debate: How can we contribute to sustainable solutions to the world’s escalating water crisis?

Carsten Bjerg, CEO and Group President of Grundfos among others participate in the debate on sustainable solutions to water usage and how the Nordic countries can contribute to improved resource efficiency worldwide.


13.00: Panel debate: How can we contribute to sustainable solutions to the world’s escalating water crisis?

Christian Friis Bach, Danish Minister for Development Cooperation, gives the opening speech in the debate on sustainable solutions to water usage and how the Nordic countries can contribute to improved resource efficiency worldwide.

Carsten Bjerg, CEO and Group President of Grundfos

Karin Lexén, Director, Stockholm International Water Institute, SIWI

Magnus Rystedt, CEO, Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO)

Helle Munk Ravnborg, Ph.D Senior Researcher, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

15.00: Awards ceremony

HRH Crown Prince Frederik will honour the winner of the “Drop by Drop” competition.

The ceremony is followed by a reception sponsored by Grundfos.

You can participate in one or both sessions. Please RSVP before June 1st to [email protected]