

Arrangør: N/A

Konference om etiske investeringer: Rebuild21

TIME: Wednesday, 30 May, 9 – 21, and Thursday, 31 May, 9 – 17

VENUE: Volume Hallen, Enghavevej 82, 2450 Copenhagen V

This is the second annual Rebuild21 conference. Don’t miss this year’s conference gathering industry professionals passionate about rebuilding business, finance, education and media for the 21st century.

TIME: Wednesday, 30 May, 9 – 21, and Thursday, 31 May, 9 – 17

VENUE: Volume Hallen, Enghavevej 82, 2450 Copenhagen V

This is the second annual Rebuild21 conference. Don’t miss this year’s conference gathering industry professionals passionate about rebuilding business, finance, education and media for the 21st century.

Rebuild21 inspire and challenge participants on 21st century leadership, innovation and organisations and explore some of the fundemental business challenges of the century.

Rebuild21 isn’t the typical one-way business conference but a two day playground for 21st century business featuring engaging speakers and interactive breakout sessions. Rebuild21 set out to explore some of the fundamental business challenges of the century:

– How do we create organisations that put purpose before profits?
– What are the true measures of prosperity?
– Can we manage without managers?
– What does it take to replace strategy with philosophy?
– How to get beyond CSR and embrace radical sustainability?
– What does it take to break down silos and build open and adaptable organizations?
– How do big organisations keep innovating like a start-up?

Rebuild21 unites progressive leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs, NGO’s, public servants and people who are by nature driven to change the world of Finance, Healthcare, Gaming, Biotech, Education, Greentech, Cityplanning, Construction, Foods, Shipping, Education, Consulting, IT and Media.

Rebuild21 has brought together an incredible line up from around the world to bring to life interesting ideas and conversations. Not only that, Rebuild21 strives to bring in speakers from organisations who are making the difference and being the change.

Rebuild21 is a fantastic way to meet people who are by nature driven to change the world. With multiple break-out sessions and social activities, Rebuild21 is the perfect place to interact with others who carry a shared passion.

Rebuild21 is about making a difference. It’s about introducing interesting angles on topical issues and getting you to offer your ideas and solutions to problems. Rebuild21 fosters and encourages a community of builders.


30 MAY:

09.00: KICK OFF & KEYNOTE (Umair Haque Author & Blogger Harvad Business review + Jem Bendell Economist & Sustainability Activist)

– 21st Century Banks
– Finance goes Open Source
– Citizen Investors Unite!
– and more…


12.30 LUNCH

13.30 KEYNOTE (Richard Kelly, IDEO Shanghai)

– Constructive Journalism
– Social News
– Public Service Reinvented
– and more….

15.45: CONSTRUCTIVE MEDIA (Panel: Ulrik Haagerup (Director of News, DR) Christian Jensen (Editor in Chief Information) and Bjarke Møller (Editor in Chief, Mandag Morgen).

16.30: KEYNOTE (Nadine Gudz, Head of Sustainability, Interface)


18.30-21.00: DRINKS AND DINNER

31 MAY:

09.00: KEYNOTE (Jake Nickell, Founder, Threadless)

– Educating Entrepreneurial Minds
– Reinventing the MBA
– New Learning Platforms
– and more…


12.30: LUNCH

13.30: KEYNOTE (Bill Tolany, Whole Foods Market)

– Philosophy is the New Strategy
– Social Media R.I.P.
– Beyond CSR
– and more….

15.45: 21st CENTURY BUSINESS (Panel)

16.30-17.00: KEYNOTE (TBA) & WRAP-UP

Fore more info on Rebuild21 and registration, see: www.rebuild21.org