

Arrangør: N/A

BAT – Bridging Art and Text

TIME: Friday, 1 June, 10 – 17

VENUE: Karen Blixen Museum, Rungsted Strandvej 111, 2960 Rungsted Kyst

TIME: Friday, 1 June, 10 – 17

VENUE: Karen Blixen Museum, Rungsted Strandvej 111, 2960 Rungsted Kyst

To anyone who has a professional interest in the Danish art and literature Scene: Naturama and the Karen Blixen Museum hereby invite you to be amused, inspired, provoked and – above all – intellectually and academically stimulated by a highly qualified group of thinkers from Benin, Brazil, Cuba, Denmark, France, Jamaica, Mexico, Suriname, South Africa, Switzerland, Ethiopia, Trinidad and just a few other places.


• Are transnational competences overrated in the art world?
• What did Castro do to black artists and writers in the 70ties?
• When did the Caribbean become Sci-Fi? – And what about rest of us?
• Why is the name of a Swiss mountain important to Sasha Huber?
• Why doesn’t Gillion Grantsaan feel comfortable selling pieces of his Blakart in
• Do the cleaning personnel in Danish art institutions have higher intercultural skills than
their employers?
• Why is it that one has to go to Addis Ababa to be on top of the music and film Scene?
• How did Fanø pick an excellent Algerian writer right from under our nose?
• What happens when you mix up Santeria, Winti, Shamanism, Obeah and Vodun?

Meet a vital bunch of experts who will share their response with all of us – but not (only) in the traditional form of an academic paper, nor an artistic improvisation: Presentations and performances are based on thorough group preparation in three thematic workshops leading up to the seminar.

Prepare to get a mind-blowing input of thought, sound and visuals, which can hopefully provide valuable reflection for your own practice, whether this takes place in an independent or institutionalized setting.

TICKETS (including lunch): Admission 120 kr, Professional Visual Artists + Authors 40 kr.

For more info: www.blixen.dk