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Background briefing prior to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly

TIME: Tuesday, 22 May, 13

VENUE: International Press Center, Vestergade 2, 2nd flr., 1456 Copenhagen K

The background briefing will be held by Einar Hebogård Jensen, Head of Department for Humanitarian Action, Development Policy and Civil Society at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs

TIME: Tuesday, 22 May, 13

VENUE: International Press Center, Vestergade 2, 2nd flr., 1456 Copenhagen K

The background briefing will be held by Einar Hebogård Jensen, Head of Department for Humanitarian Action, Development Policy and Civil Society at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs

The subject for the background briefing is the upcoming ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly gathering members of the European Parliament and parliamentarians from African, Pacific and the Caribbean countries.

The Assembly will take place in Horsens Forum 28-30 May 2012.

Mr. Jensen will give a briefing on the scope of the Assembly, which will be the largest meeting in Denmark during the Danish Presidency, with participation of three Danish ministers, including the Prime Minister, and three EU commissioners.

Mr. Jensen will introduce the main agenda issues, side events which take place on Sunday 27 May and give practical information.