

Arrangør: N/A

Africa Day 2012

TID: Fredag d. 25. maj kl. 15.00 – 18.30

STED: Frederiksberg Rådhus, Smallegade 1, 2000 Frederiksberg


15.00: Opening of Doors
15.30: All Guests to be seated
15.30: Arrival of Guests of Honour and VIP Guests
15.45: Welcome Address by the Mayor of Frederiksberg
16.00: Keynote Address by the Guest of Honour
16.20: Address by the Dean of the Africa Group

TID: Fredag d. 25. maj kl. 15.00 – 18.30

STED: Frederiksberg Rådhus, Smallegade 1, 2000 Frederiksberg


15.00: Opening of Doors
15.30: All Guests to be seated
15.30: Arrival of Guests of Honour and VIP Guests
15.45: Welcome Address by the Mayor of Frederiksberg
16.00: Keynote Address by the Guest of Honour
16.20: Address by the Dean of the Africa Group
16.30: Guests of Honour, the Mayor and other VIP’s Invited to visit the Stands and Taste the African Cuisines
18.30: End of Ceremony