

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Ghanas olie og mineraler og fremtiden for bistand

TIME: 20 June, from 15.00

VENUE: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Asiatisk Plads 2, Meeting room M3, Christianshavn, Copenhagen

Formerly known as the Gold Coast, Ghana is rich in gold and other minerals. Having already achieved classification as a middle income country in 2010, Ghana’s resource wealth was further emphasized when oil was discovered recently.

TIME: 20 June, from 15.00

VENUE: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Asiatisk Plads 2, Meeting room M3, Christianshavn, Copenhagen

Formerly known as the Gold Coast, Ghana is rich in gold and other minerals. Having already achieved classification as a middle income country in 2010, Ghana’s resource wealth was further emphasized when oil was discovered recently.

However, oil and minerals in Africa are often more of a curse than a blessing. Ghana’s challenge is to turn their natural resources into development.

To achieve this it is necessary with a strong political system, a more developed manufacturing sector and a fiscal tax regime enabling Ghana to get the most out of its resources in order to facilitate an economically sustainable model.

The transformation into a middle income country also implies that many donors are expected to considering phasing out development aid to Ghana over the coming years. Ghana can finance development from her own resources. That will change the role of bilateral aid to Ghana.

According to the new Danish Development Strategy, Denmark will promote a more fair taxation of natural resources in developing countries. The strategy for this is still to be developed.

– What is the economic potential of oil and minerals in Ghana?
– Is Ghana living up to the challenge of political regulation of oil and minerals extraction and capturing a fair share of the revenue?
– What will be the role of bilateral (Danish) aid in the future? And what will be the role of civil society?
– How can the Danish development policy and civil society contribute to a more fair taxation of natural resources in Ghana and avoid Ghana falling into the resource curse trap?


– Mohammed Adam Amin; IBIS Ghana and Oil Expert: Potentials, regulation and taxation of the Oil in Ghana.
– Lars Koch; IBIS Denmark: Potentials and taxation of the mineral industry in Ghana.
– Carsten Nilaus Pedersen; Ambassador, Ghana: The future of Bilateral aid to Ghana.
– Questions and Debate

Register on mail to: Jens Mattias Clausen: [email protected]
Participation: Open and free

Further Information and Questions regarding the Seminar: Lars Koch; [email protected]; 60 60 58 31 , or Jens Mattias Clausen: [email protected]; 60 13 17 48 – Read more about the seminar here.