

Arrangør: N/A

Henry The Rabbit – Psychedelic Ukulele Seance & Vernissage på MellemRummet

TIME: Saturday, 3 November, 20

VENUE: Café Mellemrummet, Ravnsborggade 11, 2200 Copenhagen N.

A night of mystique and intrigue will begin with a seance from the Black Tortoise of the North Production Company.

TIME: Saturday, 3 November, 20

VENUE: Café Mellemrummet, Ravnsborggade 11, 2200 Copenhagen N.

A night of mystique and intrigue will begin with a seance from the Black Tortoise of the North Production Company.

Lead by Henry the Rabbi and the Forbidden Fruits, the seance will influence the outcome of which tunes are to be played. So let’s hope that the good spirits are present on the 3rd of November as we all gather down at Mellemrummet for this mystifying event.

The night will be topped by local legend DJ Go-go Taquitos, & Tropejakob who will demonstrate their supernatural skills at invoking peoples dancing spirit from within.

Join with tambourines, shakers and bells on this auspicious evening.

All profits from the bar goes to development projects.