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International konference: Why Poverty?

TIME: Wednesday, 14 November, from 12.30

VENUE: Dronningesalen, The Black Diamond, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1, Cph K

As part of the international cross-media event Why Poverty? DR’s Danskernes Akademi and Debatten want to initiate a contemporary debate with international guests on poverty and inequality in the 21st century.

TIME: Wednesday, 14 November, from 12.30

VENUE: Dronningesalen, The Black Diamond, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1, Cph K

As part of the international cross-media event Why Poverty? DR’s Danskernes Akademi and Debatten want to initiate a contemporary debate with international guests on poverty and inequality in the 21st century.

The debate is divided into four categories: “Foreign Aid”, “Poverty and Women”, “New Colonialism” and “Poverty and inequality within the Western world.”

Meet among others Richard Wilkinson, Emeritus Professor of Social Epidemiology and cowriter of the bestseller “The Spirit Level”, Owen Barder, Senior Fellow and Director for Europe at the Center for Global Development, Meagan Carnahan, Senior Advisor at Barefoot College, Professor at El Colegio de México, Julio Boltvinik, who has spent more than 25 years studying and fighting poverty, Christian Friis Bach, Danish Minister for Development Cooperation, Sunita Narain, Director of the Centre for Science and Environment, Alastair Fraser, Lecturer in African Politics at University of Cambridge, Dr. Tim Evans, Senior Fellow at the Adam Smith Institute, Finn Tarp, Professor of Development Economics at the United Nations University in Helsinki as well as a number of other international recognized experts.

12.30-17.30: Danskernes Akademi’s international conference with keynotes, debates and Q&A.
18.30-20.00: Debatten special edition. The show will be produced live on tape.

The conference as well as the debate are held in English and moderated by the significant and acclaimed TV host Clement Kjersgaard. The international conference will be live-streamed on dr.dk and www.youtube.com/user/WhyPoverty

The Debatten special will be broadcasted on DR2 on November 29th from 20.00-21.00, and will furthermore be offered for distribution to broadcasters in several countries around the world

Please note that there are a limited number of seats available, which are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

To sign up, please go to: http://www.dr.dk/DR2/Danskernes+akademi/Forsideartikel/Publikum/Publikum_konference.

DR2 Debatten is a price winning Danish TV show about politics and social affairs. Danskernes Akademi is DR’s TV and web lectures from universities and researchers.

Why Poverty? is a groundbreaking cross-media event reaching more than 500 million people around the world via television, radio, internet and live events in November 2012. Launching during one intense week, people around the world will be asking the question Why Poverty?

The series consists of eight thought-provoking documentary films that will be broadcasted by more than 70 broadcasters worldwide and discussed on a range of media platforms.

Why Poverty? is initiated by Mette Hoffmann Meyer from the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR) and Nick Fraser from the BBC and is produced by STEPS Int., a Danish based foundation with offices in Denmark and South Africa. Why Poverty? in Denmark is supported by Danida and The Danish Film Institute.