

Arrangør: N/A

Årsmøde i FAU og seminar om den private sektors rolle i fattigdomsreducering

TID: Mandag d. 19. november kl. 9 – 17 og 17.15 – 18.00

STED: Copenhagen Business School, Solbjerg Plads 3, Frederiksberg, Room SPs03 (Ground floor, room 03, Ernest & Young Auditorium)


TID: Mandag d. 19. november kl. 9 – 17 og 17.15 – 18.00

STED: Copenhagen Business School, Solbjerg Plads 3, Frederiksberg, Room SPs03 (Ground floor, room 03, Ernest & Young Auditorium)


Poverty reduction used to take centre stage for governments and donor agencies. However, along with a shift towards private sector responsibilities, new approaches to poverty reduction have popped up.

Among those approaches, involving the private sector through ‘Markets for the poor’, ‘Pro-poor Growth’ and ‘Microfinance’ have received substantial attention and funding.

Though some progress has taken place in some parts of some countries, poverty continues to be a central feature in many countries and inequality continues to grow. So, apart from a few celebrated examples like China and Vietnam, limited progress seems to have taken place.

In order to discuss what the contributions and shortcoming of involving the private sector have been, the Association of Development Researchers in Denmark (FAU – www.fau.dk) in collaboration with the Danish Development Research Network (DDRN – www.ddrn.dk) and Danish Forum for Microfinance (DFM – www.mikrofinans.dk) would like to invite researchers, practitioners and other interested for a 1-day seminar.

Program (Preliminary):

09.00-09.45: Registration (and coffee and tea)

09.45-10.00: Welcome, by Søren Jeppesen (Chairman of FAU & CBS) and Christian Kruse (Chairman of DFM Board)

10.00-11.00: 1st Plenary session, by Ruth Stewart (Universities of London and Johannesburg), ‘Is microfinance the solution to anything? The evidence for (and against) its contribution to poverty reduction’ & Discussion

11.00-11.30: Break, coffee, tea and water

11.30-12.30: 2nd Plenary session, by Frank Lusby (Action for Enterprise, USA), ’M4P and the fight against poverty)

12.30-13.30: Lunch

13.30-13.45: Introduction to the afternoon & Working groups, by Arne Wangel (Chairman of DDRN and DTU)

13.45-15.45: Group sessions (2 groups with focus on different issues related to the the key notes and key themes – to follow) – coffee, tea and refreshments will be served

15.45-16.45: Plenary (short presentation of group work issues and joint debate on key themes)

16.45-17.00: Wrap up, by Søren Jeppesen and Arne Wangel

Participation is for free with refreshment and lunch included, however, registration is needed as the number of seats is limited. You register through emailing to FAU ([email protected]), no later than Friday 9.11. 12 o’clock noon.

The seminar is sponsored by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Danida.

Årsmøde i FAU

Årsmødet holdes på Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Solbjerg Plads 3, lokale SP207 (2. sal, lokale 207)

1) Valg af dirigent
2) Beretning fra bestyrelsen om det forløbne års arbejde
3) Fremlæggelse af regnskab
4) Fastsættelse af kontingent
5) Valg af bestyrelsesmedlemmer og suppleanter
6) Valg af revisor og revisorsuppleant
7) Behandling af indkomne forslag
8) Eventuelt

Forslag til dagsordenen skal være bestyrelsen i hænde senest mandag d. 12. november 2012.
Forslag sendes til FAUs sekretær, Steffen Randahl, FAU, c/o DIIS, Strandgade 56, 1401 København K eller [email protected]