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Kenya-festival på MellemRummet

TIME: Tuesday, 27 November from 17.30

VENUE: MellemRummet, Ravnsborggade 11, 2200 Copenhagen N.

TIME: Tuesday, 27 November from 17.30

VENUE: MellemRummet, Ravnsborggade 11, 2200 Copenhagen N.

The two days of the festival will be dedicated to shedding light on the stories and experiences of brave female leaders in Kenya, who have managed to overcome the challenges of their difficult environments. The festival will be a celebration where all can come and enjoy delicious Kenyan cuisine, learn from inspirational speakers and enjoy Kenyan art, music and dance. There will also be an opportunity to view a stirring documentary called “Taking Root – The Vision of Wangari Maathai”. This is a documentary about a Kenyan woman whose dreams and efforts to plant trees, eventually gave her the Nobel Peace Prize.

Tuesday we’ll be having delicious authentic Kenyan food (pics below) prepared of course by some of the best African chefs. Meanwhile we will be screening a stirring documentary of Nobel Prize winning activist Wangari Maathai’s movement in Kenya. There will also be a speaker to discuss the current status of the Kenyan Women Empowerment Movement.

Thursday will be more of a Celebration of Kenya. It will include a variety of performers like DJ’s Prince Anil and Master Fatman, all to provide those who attend the event ( http://www.facebook.com/events/458892210819563/ ) a true Kenyan nightclub experience.

To wrap up the event, the final night will include a variety of performers like Tina Mweni and DJ’s Prince Anil and Master Fatman all to provide those who attend the event, a true Kenyan nightclub experience.

All profits from this event will be donated to the women’s projects that Mellemrummet continues to support in Kenya.