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Afrika Seminar: Gentænk ledelse – Lektioner fra Afrika

TIME: Thursday, 6 december from 16

VENUE: Aud. 12, Centre of African Studies, Købmagergade 46, 4. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K.

TIME: Thursday, 6 december from 16

VENUE: Aud. 12, Centre of African Studies, Købmagergade 46, 4. floor, 1150 Copenhagen K.

Governance has played a prominant role in African development discourse and practice in the past two decades. The “good governace” agenda that the international community adopted in the 1990s to make aid and public servives in African countries more effective seems to have run its course given signals from doners about partnership and national ownership in recipient countries.

Another reason for its apparent demise is that the institutional mechanisms that have been introduced under its auspices have yielded little result, whether that is in fighting corruption, meeting the MDGs or strengthening voice and accountability. So is there a fresh paradigm emerging? If so, what does it entail? Drawing on the lessons learnt, the presentation will address these two questions.

Göran Hydén is Distinguished Professor Emeritus in Political Science at the University of Florida. He has also worked as an academic at various universities in East Africa including University of Dar es Salaam, University of Nairobi and Makerere University.

He has researched a wide range of political economy issues related to development in general and Africa in particular. Such issues include: democratization; governance; sustainable development; the role of aid agencies. Hydenʹs approach has generally been critical of an emphasis on a narrowly defined poverty reduction rather than wider societal progress. Göran Hydén currently serves as academic editor of the Democratic Governance Report, that is due to be issued by the UNDP in the Spring of 2013.