Kina sender mindretal til politisk genopdragelse

Kinas behandling af uighurerne har gennem tiden medført protester i mange lande - her i Berlin.
Foto: Langkawi (CC/arkiv)
Forfatter billede

With World Cup 2018 underway, all eyes are focused on the game. But many people are unaware of what — or who — is missing on the field.

Hezim was detained soon after he returned home from a football trip to Spain and Dubai.

Correcting religious and political views

Hezim is among the estimated one million Uyghurs in Xinjiang who have been sent to re-education camps for unlearning and correcting their religious and political views.

What happens at re-education camps in Xinjiang is not widely known, but testimonies from ex-internees reveal that the camps — which are operated at county, township and village levels — are secured with barbed wire, surveillance systems and armed police.

Ex-internees said they were sent to the camps without trial and while there, were forced to convert their beliefs and pledge loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

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