Klimaforskere i hård kritik af ny international klimaaftale

Thomas Jazrawi

Der var glæde og jubel i Paris, da man midt i december vedtog en ny klimaaftale.

Denne glæde deles ikke af en række forskere, som har sendt et brev til det britiske medie The independent, hvor de kritiserer aftalen.

“The hollow cheering of success at the end of COP21 agreement proved yet again that people will hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest”, hedder det i brevet, som er trykt i The Independent fredag.

“What people wanted to hear was that an agreement had been reached on climate change that would save the world while leaving lifestyles and aspirations unchanged”, lyder fortsættelsen. .

Aftalen rummer et overordnet mål om at holde temperaturstigningen under 2 grader og stræbe efter at holde den under 1, 5 grader i dette århundrede, men aftalen er i sin helhed ikke nok til at indfri målet, advarer forskerne.

“As early as the third page of the draft agreement is the acknowledgment that its CO2 target won’t keep the global temperate rise below 2 deg C, the level that was once set as the critical safe limit”.

“The solution it proposes is not to agree on an urgent mechanism to ensure immediate cuts in emissions, but to kick the can down the road by committing to calculate a new carbon budget for a 1.5 deg C temperature increase that can be talked about in 2020.”

“Given that we can’t agree on the climate models or the CO2 budget to keep temperatures rises to 2 deg C, then we are naïve to think we will agree on a much tougher target in five years when, in all likelihood, the exponentially increasing atmospheric CO2 levels mean it will be too late”.

Brevet er underskrevet af forskere fra bl.a. Cambridge University, University of California, Edinburgh University og University of Ottowa.

Læs historien på The Independent i nedenstående link, hvor man kan finde den fulde ordlyd af brevet nederst i artiklen.

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