Tid: 26/09/2018 16:30 til 28/09/2018 12:00

Sted: Hotel Sinatur, Lyngby

Arrangør: N/A

Konference: Pre-genocide – Warnings and readiness to protect (Lyngby)

Konferencen vil kaste lys på tilløbet til Holocaust i fem lande – Tyskland, Polen, Ungarn, Holland og Danmark — i årene før katastrofen. Hvornår og hvordan begyndte alarmlamper at blinke?

Bagefter sagde verden: “Aldrig mere”.

Men flere folkedrab fulgte, blandt dem i Cambodia, irakisk Kurdistan, Rwanda og Bosnia.

Humanity In Action har inviteret en kreds af internationale historikere til at skrive og fortælle om tilløbet til Holocaust og de andre folkedrab på en international konference i Frederiksdal ved Lyngby den 26-28. september.

Spørgsmålet vil være: Hvordan gik det galt dengang? Og er vi helt sikre på, at verden i dag har lært at reagere på advarsler før folkedrab?

Man tilmelder sig konferencen ved at sende en mail til [email protected] med navn, adresse, email og mobilnummer – og ved samtidig at indbetale konferencegebyrer på 900 kr (eller 700 kr for studerende) på Nordea Bank, reg. nummer 2040, konto 6886880802 . Gebyret omfatter konferencen, 2 x frokost, 2 x aftensmad, koncert, en ny antologi “Før Folkedrabet – advarsler og internationalt beredskab” og en udflugt til Gilleleje (hvis kirken er færdigrestaureret).


Wednesday 26 September

16.30: Registration 

17.15: Welcome – Presentation of the conference

  • Anders Jerichow, Chair, Humanity In Action, Denmark 
  • Eva Maria Lassen, Vice Chair, Humanity In Actin, Denmark 

17.30-18.45: Holocaust and later Genocides: My father’s lesson Bent Melchior, Chief Rabbi Emeritus 

19.00-20.00: Dinner 

20.00-22.00: Pre-Genocide: Germany, Denmark, League of Nations

  • Ulrich Herbert, Professor, University of Freiburg: Growing Antisemitism of the German state
  • Bent Blüdnikow, Historian:  Small nation facing Nazism
  • Cecilie Stokholm Banke, Senior Researcher, Danish Institute for Human Rights: Early warning at the international level 
  • Facilitator: Adam Holm, Ph.D. In history & journalist 

Thursday 27 September 

09.30-12.30: Pre-Holocaust – Three European countries

  • Konstany Gebert, Writer and journalist: Poland 
  • Selma Leydesdorff, Professor, University of Amsterdam: The Netherlands
  • Laszlo Csosz, Senior Historian, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: Hungary
  • Facilitator: Anders Jerichow 

12.30-14.00: Lunch 

14.00-17.00: Pre-Genocide: Four cases after the Second World War

  • Alexander Hinton, Professor, Rutgers University: Cambodia
  • Joost Hiltermann, P.h.D., Director, International Crisis Group: Anfal, Iraqi Kurdistan
  • Assumpta Mugiraneza, Social Psycologist, Director, Iriba Centre: Rwanda
  • Edina Becirevic, Professor, University of Sarajevo: Bosnia
  • Facilitator: Anette Marcker, writer and journalist 

18.00-19.00: Dinner 

19.30-20.15: A granddaughter’s journey Rachel Cerotti, author 

20.15-22.00: A musical journey

  • Henrik Goldschmidt: Piano 
  • Henrik Goldschmidt: Obo 
  • Anders Singh: Accordion
  • Idil Alpsoy: Vocal 

Friday 28 September 

International Law Framing Solutions: In Peacetime, During Conflict and After Genocide 

09.15-11.15: In Peace: How can human rights prevent conflict and genocide

  • Avram de Swaan, Professor Emeritus, University of Amsterdam: Societal phenomena that may lead to Genocide
  • Eva Maria Lassen, Senior Researcher, Danish Institute for Human Rights: Human rights as a peace project 
  • Simon Adams, Executive Director, Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect: Responsibility to Protect 

11.30-12.30: Lunch 

12.30-14.30: During conflict and after genocide

  • Peter Vedel Kessing, Senior Researcher, Danish Institute for Human Rights: International Rules and Monitoring
  • Frederik Harhoff, Professor emeritus, University of Southern Denmark: International Law, Prevention of Future Genocide
  • Facilitator: Samuel Rachlin, writer and journalist 

14.30-15.00: Coffee break

15.00-16.00: International law under attack 
Morten Kjærum, Director, Raul Wallenberg Institute for Human Rights 

16.00-16.30: Humanity in action, warnings and readiness to protect Judith Goldstein, Historian & Founder of Humanity In Action Anders Jerichow, Senior Corespondent, HIA Denmark 

Saturday 29 September

Possible excursion to Gilleleje – optional (Dependent on Church Restoration) 

09.30-12.00: Bus to Gilleleje 

Læs mere om konferencens Facebook-event: https://www.facebook.com/PreGenocideConference/?ref=bookmarks