Ny klimaaftale for skibsfart: Glæde blandt grønne organisationer

Thomas Jazrawi

FN’s organisation for skibsfart har netop vedtaget en aftale om at reducere skibsfartens belastning af klimaet. 

Ifølge den skal sektoren minimere udledninger af klimaskadelige udslip med 50% i 2050.

Det glæder klimaorganisationer i det store netværk Climate Action Network (CAN), som dog peger på, at Stillehavsnationer, EU og andre opfordrede til en reducering på 70% til 100%. 

Aligevel er det en “game changer” og nok til at holde muligheder åbne for at indfri målet i den globale klimaaftale, lyder det i en pressemeddelelse fra CAN. 

Her er en række reaktioner fra klimaorganisationer i CAN:

Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, leader of WWF’s global climate and energy programme, said: “This is very welcome news, a good first step and an important policy signal. Shipping is responsible for more than 2 percent of global emissions, and this is growing. The agreement today is an opportunity to bend this curve to align with the Paris Agreement. This needs to translate into urgent action – now.”

Mark Lutes, senior global climate policy advisor, WWF said: “The decision sends a strong signal to the shipping industry and fuel suppliers, that they need to scale up investments in new technologies and their rapid deployment, including alternative fuels and propulsion systems.” 

Veronica Frank, political advisor, Greenpeace International said: “The plan is far from perfect, but the direction is now clear – a phase out of carbon emissions. This decarbonisation must start now and targets improved along the way, because without concrete, urgent measures to cut emissions from shipping now the Paris ambition to limit warming to 1.5 degrees will become swiftly out of reach.”

Bill Hemmings, shipping director, Transport & Environment said: “The IMO should and could have gone a lot further but for the dogmatic opposition of some countries led by Brazil, Panama, Saudi Arabia. Scant attention was paid to US opposition. So this decision puts shipping on a promising track. It has now officially bought into the concept of decarbonisation and the need to deliver in-sector emission reductions, which is central to fulfilling the Paris agreement.” 

Læs hele pressemeddelelsen og flere reaktioner i linket nedenfor.