FN klimafond skal sikre klimatilpasning i udsatte lande

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Fordelingen af midler fra FNs grønne klimafond bliver i disse dage forhandlet på Bali. En 50:50 deling mellem klimatilpasning og reduktionsindsatser sammen med sikring af midler til højrisikolande er på plads.

RTCC, BALI, FREDAG D. 21. FEBRUAR 2014: Half of the UN-backed Green Climate Fund’s financial support for climate adaptation is set to be directed towards small island states and other vulnerable regions.

At a meeting in Bali board members agreed to aim for a “50:50 balance between mitigation and adaptation over time”, additionally guaranteeing that at least 50% of the adaptation funding allocation would be diverted to high risk areas.

This means around a quarter of the GCF’s total resources at any one time will be directed towards Pacific Islands, African States and members of the Least Development Countries group which are battling rising sea levels and extreme weather events.

Uafklaret spørgsmål om ‘ejerskab’

The question over how much ‘ownership’ individual countries will have over money they are given remains unresolved, and will be dealt with at a meeting in May.

The Fund is due to launch later this year, and is a major part of plans agreed at the UN to channel around $100 billion a year to clean energy and climate resilience projects in the developing world.

This week Italy announced it would contribute €500,000 to the GCF, bringing the total pledged to the fund this week up to around $935,000.

Prioriterer samarbejde med den private sektor

In a move that provoked anger among many NGOs the board said it wants to “maximise engagement with the private sector”, through a “significant allocation” to the Private Sector Fund.

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ActionAid’s Brandon Wu, who was following discussions in Bali, told RTCC the “jury is still out” on whether the GCF will be a success.

He added: “Other key aspects of the GCF remain troublingly undefined, including what its social and environmental safeguards will look like, how its private sector facility will engage with private sector actors in recipient countries, how it will measure results, and – most importantly – how much money developed countries will contribute, and when.”

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The next meeting will take place at the GCF headquarters in Songdo, South Korea, from May 18-21. An extra day has been added due to the large number of unresolved decisions.

– See more at: http://www.rtcc.org/2014/02/21/green-climate-fund-to-ring-fence-25-of-cash-for-vulnerable-nations/#sthash.ESTDCN20.dpuf