Hvem skal være “årets humanitære helt”?

Laurits Holdt

AidEx afholdes i november i Bruxelles.

AidEx skriver:

There are thousands of individuals who dedicate their lives to helping others. At AidEx we encourage you to tell us who goes above and beyond to help improve lives.

The AidEx Humanitarian Hero Award was established to recognise the stand-out individuals from all areas of the humanitarian and development aid community – nominated by the entire sector.

Finalists will be shortlisted from your nominations and an open vote will commence soon after.

Nominations are open to individuals from all parts of the sector, including those who work for suppliers, NGOs, governmental and development aid community.

If you would like to nominate, you can do so below. Once the shortlist is announced, online voting will commence and the winner will be awarded at AidEx on 16th November at Brussels Expo.

You can nominate yourself or someone you know.

Indtast din nominering her.

Tidligere modtagere af prisen

2015 winner: Sean Casey – The first person deployed by International Medical Corps during the Ebola outbreak, under Sean's leadership, 2,500 patients were treated, thousands of responders  given training, hundreds of thousands of individuals screened and ongoing support to survivors provided. He was also one of the first responders to the Nepal earthquake.

2014 winners: Christian and Marie-France des Pallières – Christian and Marie-France set up Pour un sourire d’enfant after being shocked at the living conditions of children when visiting a landfill site near Phnom-Penh. Pour un sourire d’enfant has since delivered education to 4,000 of Cambodia’s poorest children as well as providing training to an additional 1,500.

2013 winner: Dr Jumana Odeh – Dr Odeh set up the Happy Child Centre to help promote the welfare and wellbeing of children with special needs in Palestine. Special needs is still an issue in the region as is often considered as a taboo subject in much of the Arab world. Dr Odeh is now being asked to set up the same model in other Arab countries.

2012 winner: Dr Abbas Gullet – Under Dr Gullet's leadership, the Kenyan Red Cross has experienced phenomenal growth and Secretary General Dr Gullet has helped to build it into not only one of the leading humanitarian organisations in the country, but it is also even considered as one of the best performing National Red Cross Societies globally.

2011 winner: Janina Ochojska – Following some time volunteering in France, Janina felt a desire to bring humanitarian activity to her home country and inspire Polish people to care for those in need. Polish Humanitarian Action was born in 1992 and is now based all over the world, having helped with relief efforts in Haiti, Ukraine, The Philippines, Nepal and Syria.