Bangladesh: Stadig behov for hjælp efter cyklon sidste år


SOUTHKHALI, 14. november 2008: One year after the devastating cyclone Sidr hit south-western Bangladesh, huge challenges remain. Millions were rendered homeless by the Cyclone on 15 November 2007.

“Communities still need urgent help – both to recover from the impact of Sidr, and to be able to prepare for future storms, floods or cyclones,” said Heather Blackwell, Bangladesh-Oxfam country director.

More than a million people are struggling without proper homes and are at greater risk of disease than before, Oxfam said. But despite funding pledges from foreign governments, international donors and NGOs to help build new homes for about 78,000 families, only about one-quarter of these planned houses, designed to be more resilient in future storms, have been built, it said.

In addition, landless families living on government-owned land or Khas areas are excluded from receiving any government shelter support because they have no official land titles, Oxfam said.

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