NGO til arabiske lande: Værn om jeres musikere, forfølg dem ikke


The Copenhagen-based NGO, Freemuse (Freedom of Musical Expression), is deeply concerned that in several member states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), musicians and music retailers are being attacked, banned and even killed in the name of religion.

In an appeal to Secretary General, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Freemuse urges the OIC to strongly dissociate itself from these attacks in the name of extremist interpretations of Islam, the NGO writes in a press release Monday.

Freemuse reminds OIC members that artists from the Muslim world have during centuries contributed greatly to the world heritage, and that OIC member states should respect and protect the present musical activities and creativity in the World of Islam.

Several member states of OIC implement severe restrictions on music in public life and Freemuse invites OIC to initiate a dialogue regarding such violations of freedom of musical expression.

Read the letter to OIC

Yderligere oplysninger hos Ole Reitov, Programme Manager, tlf. 33 32 10 27 og
23 23 27 65

F R E E M U S E – Freedom of Musical Expression
Nytorv 17, 3rd floor,DK-1450 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Tel: 33 32 10 27, Mobile: 23 23 27 65, E-mail: [email protected]
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