Folkerepublikken Kina fylder 60 – vil du vide mere?

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Vi har modtaget følgende fra Nordisk Institut for Asien-Studier (NIAS) i København:

In China the preparations for the celebrations on the National Day is underway. 1st October 2009 marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China and the celebrations will be extra spectacular.

For the first time in a decade a military parade through Tiananmen square displaying China’s military might will be held, President Hu Jintao will hold a speech and performances involving some 200.000 people and fireworks will follow.

On the In Focus blog NIAS will mark the 60th anniversary with a series of articles on China. In the first of these articles Karl Gustafsson, Ph.D. candidate at Stockholm University, analyses the use of museums dealing with the War of Resistance against Japan (1931-1945) as part of the patriotic education campaign in China and of Chinese identity construction.


In the In Focus section of the AsiaPortal we address an up-to-date topic and ask a Nordic expert in this area to write a short opinion in an attached blog. We warmly welcome researchers, students, experts and others interested in the topic to give their comments in the blog.

We would also like to form a network of people who would be interested in participating with opinions in future In Focus themes. Anyone interested can contact us on [email protected]
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Librarian & webmaster
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