I 2007 gik Nobels fredspris til FNs klimapanel (IPCC) og Al Gore. Nu stiller forskere spørgsmålstegn ved grundlaget: Der mangler forsat empirisk forskning, der dokumenterer forbindelsen mellem klimaforandringer og konflikt påpeger Olivier Rubin fra NIAS, det nordiske institut for asiensstudier under Københavns Universitet.
– The Nobel Prize Committee noted that their work could ‘contribute to a sharper focus on the processes and decisions that appear to be necessary to protect the world’s future climate, and thereby to reduce the threat to the security of mankind.’ Yet, in spite of this prestigious award, surprisingly little academic evidence has been produced within IPPC or elsewhere that point to a strong link between climate change and conflict. In fact, most peer-reviewed studies based on statistical cross-country analysis find no robust link between climatic factors and conflict.
Læs videre på Olivier Rubins Focus blog på AsiaPortal (se link nedenfor).