Kinas har haft success med en ambitiøs tuberkulose-strategi, skriver Verdensbanken i en pressemeddelse onsdag.
Resultatet af et 8 årigt projekt viser, at 770.000 er blevet reddet fra døden og 20 millioner har undgået at blive smittet. Det giver håb i andre lande, fordi modellen kan overføres til f.eks. Afrika, der er hårdt ramt.
Pressemeldingen (24. marts 2010)
Chinas commitment to curbing one of the worlds most persistent infectious threats—tuberculosis (TB)– has paid off in lives saved, a stronger national TB strategy and a model that could help nations struggling with the same burden half a world away, in Africa.
This month, the World Bank-supported China Tuberculosis Control Project—the largest TB control effort ever conducted—concludes its eight-year run with impressive results: 770.000 deaths and 20 million TB infections averted.
A major health problem
The project, covering a remarkable 668 million Chinese, provided access to effective TB control services in 16 provinces. It made significant progress against what remains a major public health problem in China, which, together with India, comprises 40 percent of the world’s TB burden.
China reports more than 1 million new TB cases per year, and the disease contributes to a cycle of poverty by hitting adults in their most productive years, thereby incapacitating the family breadwinner.
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