U-landsnyt.dk har modtaget følgende henvendelse til NGOene fra Jakob Kopperud, som er External Affairs Counselor for the Nordic Countries hos Verdensbanken i Paris:
Verdensbanken er i disse dager i ferd med at fullføre forhandlingene om den 15.
påfylling av IDA, se også www.worldbank.org/ida for mer informasjon.
Vil det være mulig/interessant for U-landsnyt at inkludere i sitt nyhetsbrev
eller på sitt website oppfordringen under til at kommentere på utkastet til
IDA15-rapport? (Vi svarer ja)
This is a quick heads up on the next step in the process for commenting on the
draft IDA15 report. The draft report was posted on IDAs external website on
November 6th for comment from civil society, in line with our agreement with the
participants in the IDA15 process.
That version included, in brackets, sections on topics (results, climate change and harmonization and alignment) that were scheduled for discussion at the fourth IDA meeting in Dublin on November 12-13.
With that meeting now concluded, we have updated these sections to reflect the
outcomes of the discussion with the IDA deputies and borrower representatives.
As promised, a revised version of the draft IDA15 report that includes these
updated sections was posted on the web on November 21st. We look forward to
seeing your comments, and ask that these be conveyed to us no later than
November 30 (håber det alligevel kan nås endnu).
Jakob Kopperud, External Affairs Counselor for the Nordic Countries, The World Bank – Paris, E-mail: [email protected], Tel: +33 (0) 1 4069 3030, Cell: +33 (0) 6 6758 9686, Fax: +33 (0) 1 4723 7436