FN åbner IT-træningscentre i Afrika og Mellemøsten

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WIEN, 16 June 2009: The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the technology company HP announced Tuesday the opening of 20 training centres in Africa and the Middle East to expand youth entrepreneurship and information technology education.

The new centres, in Algeria, Egypt, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates, brings to 33 the number of centres in ten countries in Africa and the Middle East.

The HP Graduate Entrepreneurship Training through IT programme (GET-IT) provides training to unemployed youth and graduates between the ages of 16 and 25, and helps potential entrepreneurs acquire IT skills with the aim of becoming better placed to create and run their own businesses, UNIDO said.

GET-IT courses teach practical IT solutions for daily business challenges in finance, management, marketing and technology management.

Læs hele artiklen: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=31154&Cr=unido&Cr1=

Kilde: UN News