Ny bog om kvinder, seksualitet og aids


Ny bog om

Gender, Sexuality and HIV/AIDS
Research and Intervention in Africa
Proceedings from the seminar
Københavns Universitet, 2003

Edited by Britt Pinkowsky Tersbøl
Department of Women and Gender Research in Medicine

The publication: Gender, Sexuality and HIV/AIDS:
Research and Intervention in Africa Can be ordered at:

Department of Women and Gender Research in Medicine
Att. Secretary Marianne Holck Christensen
Institute of Public Health, Blegdamsvej 3, 200 Copenhagen N
Phone: 35 32 79 67. Fax: 35 32 76 29
E-mail: [email protected]

Price: Dkr. 75,00

ISBN: 87-983708-6-3