Danida holder “Development Days” med fokus på hele bistanden


Udenrigsministeriet holder “Danida Development Days” over temaet “Key Issues in Poverty Reduction”.

Tid: Mandag 11. juni – tirsdag den 12. juni – onsdag den 13. juni

Sted: Eigtveds Pakhus, Conference Room III, Asiatisk Plads, Christianshavn Kbn K

PROGRAM (opdateret til maj)

11. JUNE

Registration and Coffee

Introduction to Danida Development Days by State Secretary Ib Petersen, chef for Danida

Economic Growth and Poverty reduction: Can it happen in Africa?
Key note speaker Benno Ndulu, Regional Economic Adviser, World Bank, Main author of Challenges of African Growth, 2007

Lunch (for participants in the following workshops)

Pro-Poor Economic Development

Fragile States


Rural Development in Africa.

– Productivity and competitiveness of small holders;
– Role of government and international Aid

Presenters: Per Pinstrup-Andersen and Benno Ndulu

Development assistance in fragile states – current thinking and practice.

Presenter: Jordan Ryan, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General (Recovery and Governance), the UN mission in Liberia

Facilitator: Christian Lotz, Africa Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Global Sustainability/Ecological Foot print/Limits for Growth.

Presenter(s): Kim Carstensen, Secretary General, WWF DK (tbc)


Conflicts and state fragility: The Global Agenda

Key note speaker To be confirmed (Karin Poulsen)

Pro-Poor Economic Development

Fragile states


The Economic Empowerment of Women and Development.

Workshop themes
– Discussion of the constraints that women face in order to capture income earning opportunities and the initiatives to resolve them.
– Discussion of the beneficial development effects of empowering women.

Theme presenter
Kathleen van den Broeck, Copenhagen University

Christian Lund, Roskilde University (to be confirmed)
Rie Odgaard, DIIS (to be confirmed)

Security System Reform – supporting security and justice in fragile states.

Theme presenters: A representative from the OECD/DAC Network on Conflict, Peace and Development Cooperation (tbc) and Abdel-Fatau Musah, Danida conflict prevention adviser to ECOWAS, Nigeria.

Livelihood and natural resource management.

Presenter(s): Henning Høgh Jensen, Dpt. of Agricultural Science, University of Copenhagen, Iben Nathan Dpt. of Forest and Landscape, University of Copenhagen), Elsebeth Tarp (BFT)


Development of small and medium sized enterprise. Challenges and policy responses.

Theme presenters: Tine Breinholt, NIRAS, Henrik Egelyng, DIIS, Susanne Møller Andersen, NIRAS. Potential of organic SME. Olav Jull Sørensen, Aalborg University, Jørgen Billetoft, CDC. Public and Private Sector Roles in SME Development. Esben Rahbek Pedersen and Søren Jeppesen, CBS. Corporate Social Responsibility and SME Development. Henrik Schaumburg Müller, CBS. Definition of SME Sector and Need for Aid.

Facilitator: Prof. Finn Tarp (University of Copenhagen, Institute of Economics)

State building in fragile states – the role of civil society.

Theme presenters: A representative from the Crisis States Research Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science (tbc) and Sushil Pyakurel, former Commissioner of the Human Rights Commission of Nepal, founder of INSEC and human rights advocate (tbc)

Facilitator: Christian Friis Bach, International Director, DanChurchAid

Energy for development in Africa.

Presenters: Mr. Ivan Nørgaard, PhD, Energy Researcher, UNEP Risø Centre
Mr. Rene Karottki, Advisor, EU Commission, DG Dev
Facilitator: Mr. Gordon A. Mackenzie, Senior Energy Planner, UNEP Risø Centre


Climate Change and Development/the role of civil society (the “Up in Smoke Initiative)

Key note speaker: Saleemul Huq, Chief Scientist, IIED

Climate and Disaster Risk Reduction

Key note speaker: Saroj Kumar Jha, Programme Manager, Global Facility on Disaster Risk Reduction (GFDRR), The World Bank

Pro-Poor Economic Development



Financing Water and Sanitation – sustainability and accountability.

Niels Palmvang, COWI

Helle Munk Ravnborg, DIIS (to be confirmed)
Palle Lindgård Jørgensen, DHI

Torkil Jønch Clausen, DWF

Danish support to public sector management. From strategy to practice.

Presenter: Torben Lindqvist, Chief Technical Adviser and colleagues, TAS Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Discussants: Joseph Rugimyemheto, former Head of Public Service Management, Presidents Office, Tanzania; Nils Boesen, Consultant and Capacity Development Expert

Facilitator: Thomas Thomsen, Governance Consultant.

Climate Change: Adaptation and mitigation in Africa – where to go?

Theme presenter(s)
– Kjeld Rasmussen
– Risø (tbc)
– DTU/UN-RISØ/ Birgitte Alring


Economic growth China; Impact on Africa.

Presenters: Mr. Mr. Olu Ajakaiye, Director of Research, Africa Economic Research Consortium and Jørgen Delman, Director Nordic Institute for Asia Studies

Staff Management, Organisational Performance in Tanzania and Uganda: Public Servant Perspectives.

Presenters: Ole Therkildsen, Senior Researcher Danish Institute of International Studies, Joseph Rugimyemheto, former Head of Public Service Management, Presidents Office, Tanzania

Climate change impact on water management and agriculture in developing countries.

Workshop themes
– Impact on water resources and water management
– Impact on agriculture

Theme presenters
Water: Torkil Jønch Clausen, DHI
Agriculture: NN (to be confirmed)

Closing “Danida Development Days”. Representatives from Danish Resource Base