Nyt rovdyr opdaget på Borneo

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

Foto: Kevin Carter/Getty Images

Et hidtil ukendt rovdyr med rød pels, en lang hale og ligner en blanding af en kat og en ræv er opdaget i Borneos regnskove, skriver Politiken Online mandag.

En schweizisk gruppe fra Verdensnaturfonden formåede allerede i 2003 at fotografere pattedyret 2 gange, og ifølge Verdensnaturfonden er der chance for, at man for første gang i et århundrede har opdaget en ny art på øen.

Lokale og eksperter, som har set billedet af rovdyret med de meget små ører og kraftige bagben, siger, at de aldrig har set sådant et væsen før og er sikker på, at det er en ny art.

Forskerne vil nu begynde at sætte fælder op, så de kan fange dyret og få bekræftet dets eksistens. De kæmper dog mod tiden, fordi den indonesiske regering har planer om at rydde et stort stykke af regnskoven for at bygge verdens største oliepalme-plantage.

Verdensnaturfonden har først besluttet sig for at offentliggøre billederne nu, da en ny bog om Borneo udgives.

Her en pressemeddelelse fra WWF, udsendt tirsdag:

WWF har måske opdaget et nyt, mystisk rovdyr i de tætte skove på Borneo. Dyret, der er på størrelse med en huskat, ligner en lemur og har en mørk rød pels og en lang, kraftig hale. Det kan være første gang i mere end hundrede år, at et nyt rovdyr er fundet på øen.

For flere informationer:
Lise Hein, WWF Verdensnaturfonden: 35 24 78 53, mobil: 25 31 04 55

Mysterious carnivore discovered in Borneos forests

Gland, Switzerland – WWF researchers may have discovered a new, mysterious carnivore species in the dense, central forests of Borneo. The animal, a mammal slightly larger than a domestic cat with dark red fur and a long, bushy tail, was photographed twice by a camera trap at night. This could be the first time in more than a century that a new carnivore has been discovered on the island.

However, WWF researchers have not yet established whether this is an entirely new species or if it is a new species of marten or civet cat, which looks like a cross between a cat and a fox. They are hoping to be able to confirm more about the discovery by setting cage traps and catching a live specimen.

– We showed the photos of the animal to locals who know the wildlife of the area, but nobody had ever seen this creature before, said Stephan Wulffraat, a biologist who is coordinating WWFs research on this species.

– We also consulted several Bornean wildlife experts, some thought it looked like a lemur, but most were convinced it was a new species of carnivore, added he.

WWF stresses that the strange animal, which also has very small ears and large hind legs, might remain a mystery for ever, if its habitat is not adequately protected. Kayan Mentarang National Park in Kalimantan, Indonesia, where the carnivore was photographed, is located in the “Heart of Borneo”, a mountainous region covered with vast tracks of rainforest.

But plans announced by the Indonesian government in July to create the worlds largest palm oil plantation in this area would have a devastating impact on the forests, wildlife and indigenous people.

The proposed scheme, funded by the China Development Bank, is expected to cover an area of 1,8 million hectares, equivalent to about half the size of The Netherlands (eller størsteparten af Jylland).

WWF stresses that infertile soil and steep areas, such as those in the Heart of Borneo, prevent the development of oil palm plantations. According to experts, it is not recommended to plant oil palm in areas 200 metres above sea level, because of low productivity. Most of the Heart of Borneo is between 1.000 and 2.000 metres high.

WWFs Heart of Borneo initiative aims to assist the islands three nations (Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia) to conserve more than 22 million hectares of rainforest in the area.

– This discovery highlights the urgent need to conserve the unique forests in the Heart of Borneo, as this creature – whatever it is – has not been seen since the pictures were taken and is therefore likely to occur in very low numbers, said Stuart Chapman, WWF’s International Coordinator of the Heart of Borneo Programme adding: What other secrets do these remote forests hold?

It is extremely rare nowadays to discover a new mammal species of this size, particularly a carnivore, WWF says. The potential new species of carnivore in Borneo would be the first since the discovery of the Borneo ferret-badger in 1895.


The enigmatic carnivore is described in a new WWF publication, which highlights the results of the long-term research on flora and fauna in this part of Borneo. The book is titled “Lalut Birai – The ecology of a rainforest in the Heart of Borneo” and written by Stephan Wulffraat.

The first two pictures of the animal were taken in 2003. WWF researchers have since then tried to take additional photographs but without success.