UNDP: Kina styrker fattigdomsbekæmpelsen i Afrika

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FNs udviklingsorganisation UNDP vil styrke samarbejdet med Kina for at få sat mere skub i Kinas arbejde for at bekæmpe fattigdommen i Afrika.

NEW YORK, 9 November 2010: Coming to a close on 2 November, the Africa-China Poverty Reduction and Development Conference has led to the signature of two letters of agreement which will bolster the African focus of the International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC) and promote technical cooperation in the area of agriculture.

The two letters of agreement were signed on the margins of the conference, in the presence of the UNDP Administrator Helen Clark and Zheng Wenkai, Vice Minister of China’s State Council Leading Group Office on Poverty Alleviation and Development.

In the context of the new China/UNDP partnership on south-south cooperation, UNDP and the International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC), which co-organized the conference, have agreed to establish a dedicated China-Africa Window within IPRCC.

This will build on IPRCC’s existing work in training developing country officials from other regions. The new window will complement IPRCC’s ongoing work by focusing specifically on Africa, establishing an agreed annual work plan, offering customized training to African countries and ensuring the best possible substantive expertise is available on the Chinese side to tackle specific subject areas.

In addition, UNDP in China and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology will further their technical cooperation in China. Both parties have been collaborating through a Technical Task Force programme which uses innovative approaches to provide agricultural extension services for rural communities, providing them with the technology and new business models to sustainably improve their livelihoods.

The Ministry has been keen to partner with UNDP in helping African countries to implement the programme and IPRCC has been working on a detailed proposal to do so.

In addition, many African participants have approached UNDP to continue working to enhance the benefits for Africa of the opportunities of enhanced cooperation across developing countries.

The Africa-China Poverty Reduction and Development Conference brought together officials from African countries and emerging economies, development experts and representatives of regional African institutions to promote learning and the exchange of knowledge on a number of key issues. These include: accelerating growth and poverty reduction; enhancing food security; investing in social protection; and promoting new development partnerships.