Præsidenten for Swazilands nationale union for studenter, Maxwell Dlamini, bliver tilbageholdt af Swazilands regime. DIamini er underlagt tortur og bliver tvunget til at underskrive en tilståelse, der siger, at han var i besiddelse af sprængstof under Swazilands offentlige oprør den 12. april i år.
Disse protester var inspireret af lignende oprør i Nord-Afrika og Mellemøsten i samme periode kaldet “Det arabiske forår”.
Skriver Africa Kontact i samarbejde med Swazi Media Commentary mandag.
We – The Free Maxwell Dlamini Campaign demand that Maxwell Dlamini is released unconditionally and that any and all wrongdoings committed by Swaziland’s police forces and security forces towards Maxwell Dlamini and other members of Swaziland’s democratic movement are investigated, and that any perpetrators are brought before a court of law.
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Please show your support for Maxwell, as well as for human rights and justice in general, by allowing us to add your name to the list of people and organisations supporting the campaign! (see list here: people and organisations that support the campaign)
Hvis du vil vide mere
Read more about Maxwell’s case here:
Read more about Maxwell Dlamini:
Read more about torture in Swaziland here:
You can also help us secure Maxwell’s release by writing a letter to Swaziland’s authorities. See how HERE
Thank you for your help,
Peter Kenworthy, Africa Contact, Campaign Coordinator of the Free Maxwell Dlamini Campaign