Asiatiske lande skal spille en større rolle i internationalt hjælpearbejde

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Befolkningen i lande i Asien er de mest udsatte i forhold til natur- og menneskeskabte katastrofer, og fremover bør disse lande også spille en større rolle ved internationalt hjælpearbejde. Det var et af budskaberne fra FN ved det fjerde Regional Humanitarian Partnership Meeting i Asien.

SHANGHAI, 12. oktober 2011: A top UN official says Asia can, and should, play a more prominent role in the humanitarian response to major natural and man-made disasters.

“The era when the international humanitarian system was dominated by a few countries and aid agencies from the West is over,” Valerie Amos, UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator, told participants at the region’s fourth Regional Humanitarian Partnership Meeting on 12 October in Shanghai, noting that the relative wealth and power of nations was moving from west to east, and north to south.

“We see a proliferation of donors, aid organizations, technologies and fresh ideas – offering perhaps for the first time the prospect of a truly global response system,” she said.

Up to 100 disaster management professionals from 25 countries in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as the UN, the Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and international NGOs are attending the two day-meeting to exchange ideas and compare best practices.

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