En hel ny rangliste over verdens 100 bedste ikke-statslige organisationer (NGOer) i u-landsarbejdet placerer Dansk Flygtningehjælp oppe i top-ti.
NGOen ligger som nummer ni og er den eneste danske på listen, som er fremstillet af det amerikanske tidsskrift “The Global Journal”.
“Global Journal” har base i Geneve og New York og med sin rangliste over verdens 100 bedste NGOer håber man dels at skabe større fokus på deres rolle, dels rykke ved klichéerne om, hvad NGOer er, kan og gør.
Det fremgår af en pressemeddelelse fra tidsskriftet søndag.
I begrundelsen fra “The Global Journal” hedder det om Dansk Flygtningehjælp:
“Leading collaborative humanitarian efforts for five decades – 1 million beneficiaries”
With a long and reputable history, the Danish Refugee Council has worked, since 1956, across all aspects of the refugee cause. From initial displacement to housing and small-scale income generation, the organization is resolute in securing durable solutions for refugees – seeing their journey through until they are able to live in a stable and permanent environment.
Founded first to address the European refugee crisis following World War II, the Danish Refugee Council is responsible for extensive humanitarian work – including having delivered over half of the international aid in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1990s.
The organization’s activities today assist over one million people spanning 30 countries, including programs in some of the world’s most conflicted areas – Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Chechnya (Tjetjenien). While emergency relief is a core priority, the Danish Refugee Council works across nine sectors:
* housing and small-scale infrastructure;
* income generation through grants and micro-finance;
* food security and agricultural rehabilitation;
* displacement-related law and information;
* social rehabilitation;
* NGO networking and capacity development;
* humanitarian mine action;
* information management and co-ordination; and
* emergency logistics and transport management.
Its commitment to sustained recovery means the organization often remains in complex country situations for 10-15 years. Working with refugees, authorities and non-state actors, the Danish Refugee Council exits only when stability and local management has been secured.
As a membership body comprising 30 organizations, the Danish Refugee Council’s network and impact is expansive. It consistently employs strategic partnerships to enhance the collective outcome of humanitarian efforts.
Through its Stand-By Roster, the Danish Refugee Council deploys rapid assistance to UN emergency operations to augment resources for internally displaced persons (IDPs). A leader in the field, it has also established innovative operations, including co-founding the Joint IDP Profiling Service, which collects core data on populations of IDPs.
The profiling service – made available to a wide range of humanitarian organizations – provides information regarding age, sex, location and – when possible – details causes and patterns of displacement. The system enables emergency groups to harness and share information so as to address humanitarian needs and causes more effectively.
Its admirable commitment to synergy positions the Danish Refugee Council as one of the most effective and trustworthy humanitarian organizations in the field. Realizing the potential to scale impact through collective action, it facilitates collaboration at every opportunity, maintaining durable solutions for conflict-affected people as its bottom-line. (end)
Listen over de 100 ses på http://theglobaljournal.net/photo/full_view/575
Også CARE International med fremme
Blandt de ti bedst placerede er den humanitære organisation CARE International, som har scoret en syvendeplads på listen.
– Som en del af CARE International er vi rigtig glade for den flotte placering. Jeg håber, at det vil give ikke alene CARE men også andre NGOer endnu større folkelig opbakning, siger Niels Tofte, der er generalsekretær i CARE Danmark.
På sin hjemmeside lægger The Global Journal især vægt på CAREs mere end 60 år lange erfaring og langsigtede udviklingsarbejde, der ikke følger en ’one-size-fits-all’-form, derimod tager højde for de lokale samfunds-forhold og behov.
– For både CARE Danmark og CARE International er det helt afgørende, at arbejdet med at bekæmpe fattigdom tager udgangspunkt i de lokales behov og ønsker, og derfor arbejder CARE tæt sammen med den lokale befolkning – både i udvikling og gennemførelse af vore projekter, siger Niels Tofte videre.
97 procent af CAREs medarbejdere er lokale, der med deres viden om de lokale samfundsforhold er med til at sætte langsigtede bæredygtige projekter i gang, hedder det i en pressemeddelelse fra organisationen tirsdag.
Netop denne lokale forankring er endnu en af årsagerne til, at The Global Journal ser CARE Internationals arbejde som så betydningsfuldt, at det er berettiget til en placering blandt de ti bedste NGOer i verden.
CARE International består af 12 selvstændige organisationer, herunder CARE Danmark, og grundstenen i organisationens arbejde er langsigtet udvikling og hjælp til selvhjælp.
CARE blev grundlagt i 1945, da 22 amerikanske organisationer gik sam-men om at sende nødhjælpsforsyninger til familier i det krigshærgede Europa og Japan. Blot fire år efter lancerede CARE sit første udviklings-program på Filippinerne. CARE nåede i 2011 ud til over 120 millioner.
Yderligere oplysninger:
Kommunikationschef i CARE Danmark, Marie Sisse Brown
tlf. 35 20 01 15, mobil 53 72 72 40 og e-mail: [email protected]