Burma: Kendt munk i forvaring

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The Burmese monk Shin Gambira has been taken away by the authorities, writes BBC online Friday.

Gambira, jailed for his role in leading the 2007 anti-government protests, was released last month by the country’s civilian, military-backed government.

He was taken from a monastery in Rangoon early Friday morning, and reportedly being questioned for ”breaching regulations’.

“He was taken for questioning because he broke the locks of three monasteries since his release,” an official who wished to remain anonymous told.

After he was freed last month, Gambira has reportedly been reopening monasteries that were locked up by the authorities since the ”saffron revolution” movement led by monks in 2007.

Following his release, he has expressed deep scepticism about reforms taking place in Burma. As one of the leaders of the All-Burmese Monks Alliance, the 31-year-old was arrested on 4 November, 2007, weeks after the protest was crushed.

Less than three weeks later, he was jailed for 68 years, including 12 of hard labour.

He was one of 651 people freed on 13 January in what was the most significant release of political prisoners since the country began a series of reforms aimed at encouraging the lifting of sanctions imposed by the European Union and United States.