Hop på online-debat om Burma

Forfatter billede

In Focus: Burma open for business, not its people.

Den seneste udvikling i Burma med suppleringsvalg, frigivelse af politiske fanger og økonomiske reformer har åbnet op for et nyt regionalt engagement i det geo-politisk vigtige asiatiske land.

The future of the huge groups of refugees from Burma now living in refugee camps or as illegal immigrants in neighboring countries is one of the complex issues for the region.

This week on the In Focus blog on the AsiaPortal Gerhard Hoffsteadter, an Australian lecturer, looks at Burmas new regional status and the problematic refugee situation – se http://infocus.asiaportal.info/2012/06/12/myanmar-open-for-business-not-its-people

Open debate on Burma’s future

Join us for a public debate on what the future holds for democracy in Burma, and what the past year’s reforms may mean for the country’s media.

On 19 June NIAS, ADI and International Media Support is arranging a public debate at Copenhagen University.

Among the panelists are U Ye Htut, Director General, Ministry of Information, Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (juntaens navn for Burma) and Khin Maung Win, Deputy Director, Democratic Voice of Burma.

More information at

Inga-Lill Blomkvist (Ms.), Librarian & Web coordinator
NIAS LINC – NIAS Library & Information Centre
NIAS – Nordic Institute of Asian Studies
Tlf. 35 32 95 12 oge-mail: [email protected]