Når Israels bulldozere kommer, er det godt at bo i en klippehule

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FNs humanitære nyhedstjeneste, IRIN, ser nærmere på, hvorfor israelerne fjerner så mange palæstinensiske beboelser på den besatte Vestbred af Jordan-floden – og hvilke alvorlige konsekvenser det har for indbyggerne.

RAMALLAH, 16 August 2012 (IRIN): Rasmiyye Hamande has lived in a cave in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) for most of her life, which may have been a blessing in disguise. “This cave,” she says, “cannot be demolished (ødelagt/fjernet)) so easily.”

Other places in the village of Al-Mufaqara, in Area C – the 60 percent of the West Bank under Israeli military control – are more easily destroyed.

Some 622 structures were demolished by Israeli forces in the West Bank in 2011.

This is a 42 percent increase from 2010. And 2012 could well surpass last year’s numbers, as by the end of July, some 395 demolished structures in Palestine were registered by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

Al-Mufaqara is one of 12 villages in an area recently declared “firing zone 918” by Israel.

The Israeli Ministry of Defense wants to demolish eight of these villages and evacuate their residents to make way for a military training. About 1.500 Palestinians are expected to be forcibly displaced if this demolition is carried out.

The army says the training exercises in firing zone 918 are necessary to deal with shortcomings exposed during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict, and the Ministry of Defense has indicated that the villagers will still be allowed to use the land on weekends and Jewish holidays.

Firing zones like this one, all officially intended for military training, make up about 18 percent of the West Bank; 45 percent of all demolitions in the Israeli-controlled Area C of the West Bank since 2010 have taken place in firing zones.

IRIN takes a look at the circumstances surrounding these demolition orders.

When and why are Palestinian structures in Area C considered illegal by Israel?

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