WWF forudsiger tredobling i træforbrug i 2050

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Verdensnaturfonden (WWF) fremlagde mandag rapporten ‘Living Forests’ som forudsiger at forbruget af træ vil stige til det tredobbelte i 2050. Det skyldes øget befolkningstilvækst og et større forbrug af træ som brændsel.

FRANKFURT, 28. January 2013: “A scenario of tripling the amount of wood society takes from forests and plantations needs to motivate good stewardship that safeguards forests – otherwise we could destroy the very places where wood grows,” says Rod Taylor, Director of WWF’s Global Forest Programme.

“Wood, if sourced from well managed forests or plantations, is a renewable material with many advantages over non-renewable alternatives. The key challenge for forest-based industries is how to supply more wood products with less impact on nature”, he noted, adding:

“This challenge spans the whole supply chain, from where and how wood is grown and harvested to how wisely and efficiently it is processed, used and reused”.

WWF’s forest conservation target is zero net deforestation and forest degradation by 2020, which means no overall loss of forest area or forest quality.

The target requires the loss of natural forests to be reduced to near zero, down from the current loss of 13 million hectares a year, and held at that level indefinitely.

Læs rapporten her: http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/how_we_work/conservation/forests/publications/living_forests_report/