Indien: Kæmpemæssig velfærdsplan for de fattige

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Indiens præsident, Pranab Mukherjee, har underskrevet en forordning, som skal sikre billigere mad på bordet til 2/3 af kæmpelandets befolkning – det er der også god brug for: Indien har flere underernærede børn end noget andet land.

Under the new law, the government will provide 5 kg of cheap grain every month to nearly 800 million poor people. The bill also proposes to provide a kilo of rice at three rupees (ca. 30 øre i DKR), wheat at two rupees and millet (hirse) at one rupee, BBC online reports Friday.

The ordinance still has to be ratified by the parliament within six weeks of its first sitting, otherwise it will lapse (falde bort).

Opposition parties have criticised the government for passing the measure as an ordinance (forordning), after failing to win parliamentary support.

Critics say the plan will drain India’s finances. Supporters say it will help reduce poverty.

The ambitious National Food Security Bill, which will cost 1,3 trillion rupees (23,9 milliarder US dollar) a year, is being called one of the world’s largest welfare schemes.

Its implementation is expected to help the the ruling Congress party in general elections due next year.

Despite impressive economic growth in recent years, India still struggles to feed its population. The measure will apply to 75 per cent of Indians living in rural areas and half of the urban population.