Indiens højesteret: Stands syreangreb på kvinder

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Det anslås, at omkring 1.000 indiske kvinder vansires for livet hvert år af syreangreb fra utilfredse ægtemænd eller andre misdædere – men nu må regeringen i New Delhi sætte effektive midler ind imod det, for ellers…..

The Indian Supreme Court has strongly criticised the government for failing to formulate a policy to reduce acid attacks on women, BBC online writes Tuesday.

The judges said the authorities had failed to regulate the sale of acid used in the assaults.

They threatened to pass an order if the government did not prepare a scheme to curb (begrænse) attacks and provide support to victims within the next week.

Acid attacks are a problem throughout South Asia, with cases also reported in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Most of the victims are women and campaigners say women who reject boyfriends, husbands or employers are often targeted by men using easily available and cheap chemicals.

Activists have been calling for tighter restrictions on the sale of acids which are commonly used in attacks.

Earlier this year, India introduced tough new legislation to counter violence against women.

The legislation contains harsher penalties for rapists (voldtægtsmænd), including the death penalty, and up to 10 years in jail for acid attacks.