Verdensbanken: Grønne obligationer når milepæl

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Verdensbanken har udstedt grønne obligationer for over 4 milliarder dollars siden programmet startede i 2008, og det giver flere lande mulighed for at finansiere grøn vækst, skriver den internationale bank onsdag.

NEW YORK, Wednesday, August 28, 2013: Since the launch in 2008, the World Bank’s green bonds have grown quickly and reached an important milestone in August.

Earlier, this month, the World Bank launched a US$550 million green bond bumping the total amount of World Bank green bonds issued to over $4 billion dollars since the green bond program began.

This milestone prompted us to pause and take stock of the program and the new market it helped start.

As countries move toward a low-carbon, climate resilient future, the appetite for innovative climate finance is growing. One way to fill this financing need is through the capital markets.

The World Bank’s green bonds, first launched in 2008, have been recognized as a catalyst for the growing market of climate bonds.

This market is on its way to becoming an important source of funding for countries looking to grow in a clean and sustainable manner.

A sampling of expected project results – over 165,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emission reduction benefits per year in Belarus, and 800,000 tons per year in China, reducing vulnerability to climate-related flooding and water scarcity flood events for about 500,000 farmer households in Indonesia, and producing 6MWhs of electricity out of a landfill in Jordan – highlights the crucial role green bonds and other innovative funding mechanisms could play in financing the fight against climate change.

The World Bank started issuing green bonds in 2008, responding to a group of Scandinavian pension funds interested in supporting activities that address mitigation and adaptation to climate. Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) was the lead manager of this inaugural green bond.

Since then, proceeds have supported projects in energy efficiency (e.g. China, Belarus and Montenegro); renewable energy in solar, geothermal, biogas, and hydropower (e.g. Indonesia and Jamaica); sustainable urban transport (e.g. Colombia and Mexico); waste management (e.g. Brazil); water scarcity and floods (e.g. China and the Dominican Republic), and forest management (e.g. Mexico and Tunisia).

There are 45 eligible projects approved for green bond support in 19 countries and are disbursing to 37 projects in 17 countries.

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