Høringssvar af Elisabeth Kiørboe (WWF)
Adskillige u-landes og vækstlandes store økonomiske fremgang er sket på bekostning af naturen og med den konsekvens, at dyrebare miljø-ressourcer slides ned, men det står der ikke noget om i Danidas udkast til en ny NGO-politik.
En langt mere omfattende – og reel – omfordeling af verdens naturkapital til fordel for u-landene er en af hovedpointerne i høringssvaret til Danida fra den politiske og strategiske rådgiver i WWF Verdensnaturfondens danske afdeling.
Ikke mindst fordi de ikke-statslige organisationer (NGOerne) her har en vigtig – måske afgørende – rolle at spille, når det gælder om at sikre en bæredygtig produktion i pagt med naturens ressourcer, renere energi osv.
Her er høringssvaret (på engelsk)
Overall it is positive that the Policy will be mandatory for all types of Danish international co-operation – multi- and bilateral and whether governmental, corporate or from civil society organizations.
There are many good and important aspects included in the Policy that will improve, facilitate and benefit a strengthened Danish ODA (udviklingsbistand) support to building strong and diverse civil societies in developing countries with a view to reduce inequalities and poverty.
However, the Policy is not entirely consistent in its analysis and scope of the global state of affairs and consequently fails to some extent to be consistent in terms of targeted principles and priorities.
A few examples:
Economic Growth
It is mentioned that “economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies has been the main driving force of poverty reduction in the past decade and not official development assistance (ODA)”.
It is also mentioned that “the proportion of ODA to CS (NGOerne) in the global South channeled through CSOs in DAC countries has declined significantly since 2009”.
But there is no analysis of what the possible reasons are for this situation are or reflections about what that situation leads Danida to conclude in relation to this new CS Policy?
Does this fact have any impact on the Policy’s strategic focus?
Furthermore, it would have been useful to include that in developing countries and emerging economies, the economic growth has been achieved on the expense of the environment and the natural resources – a situation that is not conducive (gavnlig) for long term sustainable development and poverty reduction.
This is an area where CS has a strategic role to play to help ensure e.g. sustainable production, access to clean energy etc.
The Private Sector
It is claimed in the Policy that the private sector will play an increasing role in promoting green growth /inclusive growth contributing to environmentally, socially and economically sustainable development in both the North and global South.
Whilst this is certainly a wishful aim and desired future scenario for WWF and many others, there is hardly enough evidence in the world today to proof that this is what the global corporate sector aims for and works towards.
It is our analysis and experience that unless CSOs in the North and South work hard to keep companies and governments accountable to a sustainable development agenda, including equitable (ligelig /retfærdig) cost/benefit sharing of the planet’s natural resources, this future scenario will not come true by itself.
Furthermore, this is one of the reasons why CSOs globally have so much in common and need to work closely together.
Neither governments nor the private sector will alone drive a sustainable future for our planet forward.
A future where developed countries will use less of the planet’s resources to sustain our livelihood in order for developing countries to get access to a bigger share of their own natural resources to improve considerably the livelihood of their citizens – especially the poorest segments of society.
It is not just a question of CS to push for CSR (samfundsansvar), worker’s rights and responsible business conduct.
It is also a question of civil society in the North and in the South to push for environmental, social and economic sustainable production, trade and investments, for social enterprises and for a genuine redistribution of the world’s natural capital towards a much larger share to developing countries.
Global to local – local to global perspective
Whilst the Policy outlines the global challenges that we all face in ODA, it tends to fall into a trap of indicating all through the document that CSOs supported by Danida should concentrate their efforts on the poor and most discriminated, excluded groups and communities.
It makes the messages rather confusing and it is not clear what should be the means and what are the ends.
It would promote more clarity if the Policy would emphasise the importance of considering a global to local /local to global perspective in the Danida supported civil society work.
To strengthen civil society both globally and locally will give CS agents the opportunity to address and work for changes that need to happen at all levels in society if they are to have lasting effects.
Structural changes at a national, regional or global level are often necessary if local level initiatives are to have a lasting effect. On the other hand, strengthening of local civil society groups or local structural changes can often have a show case and replication effect elsewhere in the country or region.
It is important that the Policy does not delimit too much the CSOs’ possibilities for support from Danida as long as other provisions within the Policy are complied with (e.g. poverty reduction etc).
Elisabeth Kiørboe har været senior program-manager samt politisk og strategisk rådgiver siden januar 2010 i WWF Danmark, hvor hun blev ansat i februar 2007.
Før da var hun medarbejder i solidaritets- og bistandsorganisationen IBIS igennem 16 år (1989-2005) og udstationeret i ledende positioner i Sydamerika helt tilbage dengang IBIS hed WUS.
Se om hendes rejse til Peru i 2002 til projektet “Junglevagt for Aazonas” med videoklip på http://www.copenhagenfilm.dk/junglevagt.htm
Mere om WWF Danmark på http://www.wwf.dk
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