

Arrangør: N/A

Opportunity Fair 2010

Time: Wednesday 18th August at 19 – 21 hours

Venue: Chr. Hansen Auditorium, Centre for Health and Society, University of Copenhagen, Øster Farimagsgade 5 (det gamle kommunehospital), Copenhagen

Organizer: Copenhagen School of Global Health

Time: Wednesday 18th August at 19 – 21 hours

Venue: Chr. Hansen Auditorium, Centre for Health and Society, University of Copenhagen, Øster Farimagsgade 5 (det gamle kommunehospital), Copenhagen

Organizer: Copenhagen School of Global Health

The Fair will be a mix of short presentations, as personal experiences from Doctors without Borders, different Health Projects in the Global South and educational opportunities within Global Health, together with a little marked space where different initiatives related to development and health projects will be presented.

There will be music, cake, drinks and a lot of discussions in informal settings.


7.00 – 7.10 pm: Introduction and welcome
7.10 – 7.25 pm: Presentation of the Masanga Project
7.25 – 7.40 pm: Presentation of Globale Doctors by Gideon
7.40 – 8.00 pm: Break and circulation
8.00 – 8.15 pm: Presentation of RwandaDanmark
8.15 – 8.30 pm: Presentation by Merete Engell, Doctors without Borders
8.30 – 9.00 pm: Time to talk with the presenters and to get to know the other guests.

Other organisations and institutions present:
Copenhagen School of Global Health (Helle Trøst Nielsen, Director of Studies)
IMCC – International Medical Cooperation Commitee
Jonna Kildebogaard from LisaCare